Perfect player time shift
Perfect player time shift

Pursuit of vanity metrics: As the project teams start to hustle, face and overcome roadblocks, there is a risk that they start tracking effort losing sight of the intended outcome. Forgetting that a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step, and quick go-to-market is vital to build confidence amongst stakeholders.ģ. The ambiguity thus created is crippling, and the MVP crumbles under its own weight. The objectives and expectations of stakeholders undergo changes throughout the journey, leading to ‘scope creep’ (sometimes not clearly documented and aligned). Ambiguous MVP definition: How often have we seen that an MVP is not really a minimum viable proposition but is in fact quite close to an ideal, full-blown product. In today’s day and age, the status quoists do not necessarily oppose digitization but try to automate the existing processes as-is, which oftentimes defeats the very purpose of digitization.Ģ. Comfort with status quo is one of the biggest obstacles to digital transformation programs.

perfect player time shift perfect player time shift

Comfort with status quo: Transitioning to a digital and state-of-the-art platform entails a transformative shift not just in processes and systems, but more importantly, in the way of thinking and work ethic.

Perfect player time shift